Saturday, February 9, 2008

dewey decimal system

if i hear one more lame joke about learning the dewey decimal system when people find out i'm in graduate school to become a librarian, i will dewey decimate the person who says it. seriously.

i don't even USE the dewey decimal system, so there. take that.

someday, when i'm not so lazy, i'll write a lengthier post about what it is library students--and come to think of it, librarians in general--actually do. but for today, the mystery will remain. just realize it has very little do with that cursed Melville Dewey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a 13-year-old sister who lives in Southern Illinois. When I was visiting her a few months ago, we went to the library. She wanted to find this book some of her friends were reading, so I actually had to show her how to search on the computer by author and title. Then I had to explain the dewey decimal system, and show her how to locate the books. I so learned that stuff in 4th grade. Don't know what they're teaching kids these days if they can make it to junior high and not even be able to find a book in the library. Anyway, I know librarians do much more than look up books, but thought you might appreciate the anecdote. Sorry to hear people tease you about the double d's.